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Training News

Job Bank

If you are a SMART sheet metal member who is out of work and willing to travel to the jurisdiction of other local unions to work, contact the Union Office to learn about current opportunities. Currently the demand across the United States is high.

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SASMI-Work Boots

  February 1, 2023 At SASMI, we've got your back... and your feet, too! Now you can get a pair of USA-made, union-made, work books. Choose your pair of Thorogood or Carolina boots from the SASMI list,…

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Are you in a Crisis?

Financial worries, aging parents, job/life stress, health issues - Everyone faces challenges from time to time, with your MAP you don't have to face these things alone.

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Autodesk Inventor Class

Training Opportunities Autodesk Inventor Thur, Jan 27, 2022 @ 5:00p.m. The class runs for 14 Sessions. To signup contact Tina in the education office via email at or call (630) 668-0110. Fraternally, Business…

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